February was a month full of Mondays.
Like, horrible-early-way-too-sunny Mondays.
Somehow we struggled through - our good humor still intact.
But just in case you ever run into a Monday, or a Tuesday (Monday's ugly sister),
here are 28 things guaranteed to get you through:
1. Dunkin Donuts Coffee. Dear Anonymous Reader... I love you. And every time I got a coffee this month I was reminded of you, sweet Coffee Angel. Thank you for your encouragement- it arrived with impeccable timing. I think it was a Monday...
2. A blanket scarf. 2 yards of pure flannel; and suddenly it's publicly acceptable for you to carry your blanket to class.
3. A big dumb dog. Preferably the kind that like to snuggle. Mine has to be sedated before we can snuggle.
4. Watch Garrett eat sushi. Especially for the first time, in front of strangers. It's a hilarious mix between polite and nauseous.
5. Wear your lucky underwear. No one else has to know, but you'll know. All Monday long.
6. Spend your grocery money on Scentsy. You'll be hungry, but you'll smell good.
7. Rent movies from the library. Because they're free. Unless you forget to return it.
8. Dance. Dance like no one is watching. But first, seriously-- make sure no one is watching.
9. Pinterest.
10. Grab your friends and get to the nearest Mexican restaurant. Run, don't walk.
11. Watch 5 episodes of The Office in a row. We recommend
- "Classy Christmas"
- "The Injury"
- "Goodbye, Toby"
- "Scott's Tots" and of course please please please watch:
- "Diversity Day". Please.
13. Treat-yo-self at Walmart. Every kind of Ben and Jerry's and all those $5 movies that are already on Netflix.
14. Take a nap. Babies and cats and old people know where it's at-- take a nap.
15. Peruse through AwkwardFamilyPhotos.com. I learned this one from Robey Smith. Guaranteed to make anything you're going through feel normal.
16. Wear a hat. 'Cause your day 3 hair is nobody's business but yours.
17. Buy the cupcakes. Do you need the cupcakes? No. But Mondays are tough and cupcakes are good.
18. Just cry it out, man. If you need help getting started, watch a few episodes of Parks and Recreation. Ron Swanson will have you weeping buckets by Season 4.
19. Go ahead and binge watch every Jane Austen movie ever made. Trust me, you'll feel much better.
20. Buy something from Jen Daisy. Also just discovering that they now have a website... that always helps the Monday Blues. [jendaisy.com]
21. Manage to get a mild concussion. You get ice cream and sympathy out of the deal, but no permanent brain damage.
22. Listen to Taylor Swift. I know you haters gonna hate, but then you're gonna get in your car and sing along.
23. Make yourself laugh. Maybe its just me... but I am hilarious. I just can't stop laughing long enough to tell you why.
24. Eat breakfast for dinner. Chances are your Monday morning wasn't all that bacon-filled, and you should fix that.
25. Phone a friend. A good friend, who isn't gloomy or realistic. This is not the time for realistic friends.
26. Watch this video: Ultimate Dog Tease

28. And finally, remember this: you're never alone on a Monday. Or even through a month of them.
"So let’s not allow ourselves to get tired of doing what is good. At the right time we will harvest a good crop if we don’t give up, or quit. Right now, therefore, every time we get the chance, let us work for the benefit of all, starting with the people closest to us in the community of faith."
Galatians 6:9-10
"Keep a cool head. Stay alert. The Devil is poised to pounce, and would like nothing better than to catch you napping. Keep your guard up. You’re not the only ones plunged into these hard times. It’s the same with Christians all over the world. So keep a firm grip on the faith. The suffering won’t last forever. It won’t be long before this generous God who has great plans for us in Christ—eternal and glorious plans they are!—will have you put together and on your feet for good. He gets the last word; yes, he does." 1 Peter 5:8-11
I'm encouraged in knowing that your Mondays suck too.
Thank you for fighting the good fight, even on bad days.
And don't worry: Friday is coming.
With Love,
Emily LeVault
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